Thank you

For visiting our website 

After being undiagnosed and very unwell for the first 14 years of her life This website follows the extraordinary story and life of Rachel Molly & family and the continuous journey & effort to make Molly well again.

The first few pages are a mixture of various ventures Rachel has found herself persuing since Mollys diagnosis in 2013

As an artist art has played a massive part in the whole of this journey along with an intense amount work, sheer focus and determination to change medications, to update emergency protocols, to give support to others facing similar obstacles and poor health like Molly. And to raise awareness of this life long and life threatening condition.

The remaining pages are made up from written articles which have been published in various  health / disability magazines and online news organisations 

Please also visit  to purchase a Biscuit book & check out The Biscuits of Crumbletown 

All proceeds are currently going towards an adrenal pump for Molly as she is not tolerating her iral life sustaining medication 



15.12.2021 15:55

Janet Butler

Good luck with all you do for your dearest daughter. xx

25.02.2020 14:13

Janet Butler

You can feel the fear when you come to the end of that article Rachel. When they reach adult NHS services all thought of care is non-existent and you are almost on your own.